Monday, July 13, 2009

Stories and Friendships...

Well, I had a productive day today. Got up, met with Trey, my personal trainer and then did some bike and ab work. After the gym, I worked on my APR, Clemson Alumni material, and SCPRSA board minutes. After I cwrite my blog, I hope to prepare for my meeting in Charlotte tomorrow.

So, my blog for today came out of a conversation I had with a friend today about relationships. As we sat at Hudson's eating so fried okra and BBQ (southern style, I might add!), she was discussing her current "guy" situation. Of course everyone seems to come to me to talk about these things and let's be honest...I'm not sure I'm the best person to give relationship advice. I have two ways I look at it: One- When you find the right one, being with them, talking to them, etc. should be easy, not forced, and Two- I'm a little cynical of guys and their honesty (based on my experiences in the past) so I tend to go into the "Guard yourself" mode when I talk to friends. But today, this one was more interesting. I actually hardly had advice...I'd never dealt with something like this before. So, this made me reflect a little....Do we all have someone or a few someone"s" out there for us and when we find them, will it really be easy or is life just made up of one confusing relationship after another and we just have to learn to accept that?

Maybe our journey in relationships is just the sheer fact that we get to share with friends, ask advice, and enjoy the stories. I add the following clip that sums it up!
And, of course, my personal opinion is that there is someone out there that makes it easy....
It made me think of the following clip.

Friday, July 10, 2009

So, a blog now?

So, I decided to create a blog....yes, me, the talkative one, now has a place to write it all down! But hopefully this blog will be interesting, as it will be a gateway to whatever is going on that day and my personal outlet. No, I'm not going to discuss the time I woke up or how I watched The View, which I don't, but what is important to share. I know most of you are extremely interested in my book, which will be out soon, or so I hope. I hope to put some teaser material on here and have an open forum for ideas on a second book. I also want to use this as a way to share experiences, freindships, relationships, and any advice I may be on a soapbox about that day!

As for today, I woke up...Oh, nope, I promised not to discuss that. OK, so after a day of studying for my APR exam (for those of you who don't know what an APR exam is, it is an accreditation in Public Relations and if I pass, I'm among an elite group of professionals in the entire US! WOW), I had a meeting with an organization and then came home so excited about a new business venture. All I have to say today is make your own opportunities. I can't wait to tell my children one day how I worked hard to be where I'm at...and also have enough money to travel, b/c let's be honest, if I could travel to resorts every week, I would be a happy person! I can't share the business venture right now, but in time.

Now on to the book. So many of you are asking about it. As most of you know, it is a "girlie" type book. Now guys, mainly the ones I've dated, you may want to read nothing in the book is true, but the scenarios are quite funny and could spark some memories. HA HA. I thought it was funny in telling ex boyfriends about this part how badly all the guys in my life wanted to be a part of the book. Well, the overall plot is a secret, but this one is not to be missed!!! As soon as I have an actual "debut" date, I'll let everyone know.

Well, it is the start of the weekend and a cookout at Andrew's has turned into an evening with a bunch of friends (Andrew is still going to be there- HA) at Za's...some great food, drinks, and can't beat it...and as one of my best friends Greta says: "Let's be honest, we need to meet some guys and our guy friends need to meet some girls." So, out on the town it is! Until tomorrow...or when something interesting happens...